The Ringer's Masquerade The box set of the Ringer's Masquerade Series
by Sarah J. Pepper
by Sarah J. Pepper
RELEASE DATE: Thursday, July 30
ONE LINER: Secrets can kill. I know theirs.
They created us. But they can't control him.
The Ringer's Masquerade features all three full length novels in the series.
Devil's Lullaby, Death's Melody and Angel's Requiem.
Sebastian's world is laced with inconvenient truths; mine is saturated with sweet, beautiful lies. He promises me nothing of a happy ending. Even so, the demonic spawn with an angelic voice derails my only reason for existence, but still I can’t tear my gaze away from him. His haunting stare penetrates my very being, revealing my secrets, fears, and desires. My name rolls off his tongue, tempting me to take exactly what I hungered for. Him. My curiosity will certainly be my undoing—but then again, death is inevitable….For he reveals the Ringer's most guarded secrets—secrets they kill to keep.
Devil's Lullaby, Death's Melody and Angel's Requiem.
Sebastian's world is laced with inconvenient truths; mine is saturated with sweet, beautiful lies. He promises me nothing of a happy ending. Even so, the demonic spawn with an angelic voice derails my only reason for existence, but still I can’t tear my gaze away from him. His haunting stare penetrates my very being, revealing my secrets, fears, and desires. My name rolls off his tongue, tempting me to take exactly what I hungered for. Him. My curiosity will certainly be my undoing—but then again, death is inevitable….For he reveals the Ringer's most guarded secrets—secrets they kill to keep.
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Ringer's Masquerade 1HIPHXT
Devil's Lullaby (#1)
Death's Melody (#2)
Angel's Requiem (#3)
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Devil's Lullaby
Death's Melody
Angel's Requiem
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#RingersMasquerade Secrets can kill. I know theirs. #newrelease #amreading #romance #angst
#RingersMasquerade In the darkest hours of my life the demonic spawn whispered the juiciest lie, tempting me to join him. My name rolled off his lips as if it was the basis for every lullaby sung, the motive for any sonata written, and the very reason a desperate man serenaded his muse. I caught my breath as he closed the gap between us, but he hesitated to embrace me. The memory of his fingertips as they caressed my cheek, and wiped my tears away nearly drove me into his arms. However, he promised me nothing of a happy ending. Our fate was foretold long before we breathed life into these bodies. #newrelease #youngadult #teen #newread
I was told I wouldn't live past my fifth birthday. I'd known this all my life—all four years of it. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t upset about the circumstances that brought about my existence, nor the reason why my body would be disassembled on my next birthday. Rather, I was curious...but then again that’s exactly what killed the cat.
#newrelease #youngadult #teen #newread
Three great novels in one #boxset $4.99 #Oneclick the #RingersMasquerade series today to get the discounted rate!
Sarah J. Pepper Bio
Sarah J. Pepper specializes in dark, paranormal romance - think "happy ever after" but with a twisted, dark chocolate center. Real-life romance isn't only filled with hugs, kisses, bunnies, and rainbows. True-love can be more thoroughly described in times of darkness and tribulation. It's in those harsh moments where you see what a person is truly capable of - both the good and bad. Sometimes prince-charming isn't always on time, and the glass slipper is a little snug. However, it doesn't mean Charming is not Mr. Right, and who says every shoe is the perfect fit? Get a glimpse inside her head
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